Family Shoot at White Coppice near Chorley 25/03/18
Most photographer’s will tell you that shooting on a day with lots of sunshine and no clouds is quite the challenge. This was one of those days! Luckily we also have various tips and tricks up our sleeves to help us get the best out of the day. One of the biggest things I do is to try and arrange shoots for either early on in the day or much later. In high summer this can mean starting a session at 7pm or so! One of the other things I try do is to try to find shade overhead or have you facing away from the sun to keep harsh shadows away from your face. This is also where having a good quality camera comes in handy as I can also even things out when editing later on.
Eyra was absolutely fantastic and we got lots of amazing shots, we even managed to sneak camera shy daddy into a few… I think my favourite shot of the day has to be Eyra toddling across the path from mummy to daddy, a beautiful illustration of a family having fun. Have you got an occasion to mark or would you like a memento of your family at this stage in your journey? Get in touch via to discuss what I can do for you.

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