by Katrina Shepherd | Mar 29, 2021 | Family, Landscape, Nature
My friend (and glamourous assistant on Firespiral shoots!) Anne and I have been taking advantage of being able to meet for a socially distanced walk recently. It’s been a great opportunity to explore some of the amazing green spaces we have here in Darwen that...
by Katrina Shepherd | Mar 10, 2021 | Commercial, Family, Nature
The next part of my Firespiral Slings Pendle collection shoots took place at the beautifully tranquil Shekinah Christian Centre in Newchurch-in-Pendle. We shot Chalice Pendle Midwinter (with Hazel, James, little Dylan, and big brother Leo) and Whinfell Pendle Birch...
by Katrina Shepherd | Mar 4, 2021 | Family
You may remember that during the summer of 2020, just after the first lockdown ended, I did a series of doorstep sessions for families with the proceeds going to ELHT & Me. This charity supports our local East Lancs Hospital Trust helping to improve the trust and...
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